The Dilemma of Printing Paper Receipts in this Digital Era

Official Blog | Billeasy
4 min readFeb 12, 2018


Whether you’re buying burgers, boots, beer or a bottle of water, you will always stumble upon this question- “Would you like a paper receipt?” Even if you buy goods online, they would send a physical receipt along with a digital record of your transaction.

There’s a reason why paper receipts are everywhere- because they are useful. At least that’s what we are told. But how often do we actually use a receipt and how often do we just hold on to them?

These are some things so wasteful and unnecessary- using paper to send transactional information to customers.

Let us tell you why!

These receipts are responsible for the destruction of 10 million trees a year and are a threat to the ecosystem. They only reside in the pockets of old pants, fill up at the bottom of shoeboxes, collect in wallets or are sticking around on floor-mats of your car.

Many people are unaware that the thermal receipts printed are also coated with a layer of phenols such as BPA and BPS. These are highly toxic and can lead to severe health problems.

Yet we are stuck with paper receipts that are apparently concrete future proof of a transaction.

Do we really need paper?

It’s quite obvious that most of us don’t require a physical receipt. No one has burst into flame after leaving a receipt from McDonald’s or Starbucks at the bottom of their purse.

It’s good to preserve these paper receipts only if you have an exchange or a warranty but they can be preserved in their digital form as well. In fact, digital receipts are easier to handle, find and manage.

There are so many products from the past that have switched from paper to digital form — wedding invites, stocks, digital money, etc. But there are certain areas that are still featureless, like paper receipts which can be easily replaced with digital receipts.

With a rise in smartphone ownership globally, China will have the highest number of smartphone users, 1.3 billion, in 2018, followed by India with 530 million users. The US will be a distant third, with 229 million users.

There are millions of people walking into the digital world. In such a case, why opt for paper receipts when you can easiely get an digital copy of your receipt. How convenient would it be to switch to digital receipts? You can save both, space and paper!

Paper receipts have served us well, but in the digital world, that little piece of paper has almost reached its extinction.

Consumers are getting more environmentally conscious and want to “go green” by opting out for digital receipts but retailers need to provide these options. Millennials don’t care for a paper receipt, they rather take a digital receipt as it is easy and convenient to store.

Globally, retail giants are encouraging the use of e-receipts where customers can choose to have their receipt sent to an email address, SMS or mobile app.

Tesco is venturing into a new “digital receipt service” where customers tap their contactless debit or credit card at a separate terminal and a receipt is sent to a mobile phone app, using a system called “Tap and Tag”. Tesco is looking out for its customers who prefer keeping receipts at one place.

Tesco is not one of the first players in the league, Apple stores began sending e-receipts in 2005 with other retailers following suit. Yet traditional brick-and-mortar stores prefer giving out a paper receipt. It might take them a while to absorb the use digital receipts.

The younger generation is comfortable with E-receipts but the older generation would still prefer getting out with a paper receipt. However, metropolitan cities are on fire with digital receipts.

We don’t really need paper as proof of transactional information. A digital receipt is going to play the same role as a physical paper receipt. But it is going to be advantageous in terms of storage, less likely to lose it and apt for the digital era.

Physical paper receipts are nothing but a waste. Hence companies are now entering into a system of paperless receipts because it is the future.

Digital receipt apps like Billeasy offer services of paperless bills, digital loyalty and helpful insights on your spends, all in a single platform.

If you’re browsing through a store and find something you like, and wish to buy it. Here is how it will work with paperless bills.

All you need to do is provide the cashier with your mobile number and he generates a digital receipt that is sent to you via SMS. There will be a link in the SMS that will lead you straight to your digital receipt.

If you use the Billeasy app, these digital bills automatically get collected in the app making it easier for you to store. The Billeasy app even offers additional features like the expense manager which calculates the spends on all your bills and loyalty cards.

Retailers should provide digital receipts and consumers should also insist for digital receipts. It is a legit proof of transactional details. You can even save a few trees, while you’re at it.



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